Hi, I'm Leo!

I'm a software engineer with experience from Google, Aetion, and IBM. I graduated from University of Waterloo majoring in Computer Science in 2021. I enjoy video games, skiing, hiking with my dog, and of course coding. Sometimes I have my own silly app ideas, so here are some personal projects that I've made.




OverStats is an Android app with 1.4k daily users and 100,000 downloads on Play Store. Rated 4.5 stars.

OverStats - Play Store Link


McCree's Watch

McCree's Watch is an Android app with 130,000 downloads on Play Store. Rated 4.8 stars from 1200 ratings and 500 reviews.

McCree's Watch - Play Store Link


Diffusion Simulator

Simulates diffusion by using a game loop on a dedicated thread. Tap and hold, particles concentrate. When released, particles are given random momentum, and are able to freely collide.

Diffusion Simulator - Play Store Link


Contract Watchmen

A material design single-page-webapp that listens for Ethereum smart contract events, parses them, and present them to the user. Built with Vue and EthersJS.

Contract Watchmen - contractwatch.men


Ctrl F

Live camera ctrl f funtionality, enabled by Google Mobile Vision API.

Ctrl F - Play Store Link
